
Tomato Cages are perfect for easy growth

How Tomato Cages and Trellinetting benefit from each other?

Why Use a Tomato Cage?

When growing tomatoes, picking your support system is an important task. Tomatoes relay on a support system to grow up healthy and strong. A support system helps them avoid diseases and make it easier to look for any problems that may arise.

Tomato cages can offer all the support you need in the attractive package. Choosing a tomato cage means that you do not have to tie your plants just because of the architecture of the cage, if properly taken care of, a cage can last for years and harvests to come.

Tomato cages installed in a field of crops
With the tomato cage it is no longer necessary to tie your plants.

How to Pick Your The Perfect Cage

When purchasing a tomato cage for your garden, there are a few things you must consider.  First, you must consider the sturdiness if the frame. Will it hold up to the wind?  Will it fall over when your tomatoes are mature enough? And then you need to think of the materials being used. Knowing that the cage will be outside in some potentially dangerous weather, you don’t want something that will rust quickly, and you also want something that will be tall enough for the adult plant. Square tower cages are available. However, the circle style is a more common option.

 Tomato plant attached to a tomato cage
It is recommended to choose a tomato cage as high as possible to avoid problems of space.

How to Build Your Own Cage

Purchasing a store bought tomato cage is not for everyone. Plant yields grow zones, and lack of access to a cage, these are all factors that can lead to building your own. To create a large cage, you will need re-enforced metal stakes or wood and twine or plastic zip ties. All of which are easily purchased at your local hardware store.  With a little elbow grease and about 20 minutes of your time, a tomato cage can quickly be built in your garage, lawn, home or garden the way you want and need it to be made.  By wrapping the wood or metal rods around four upright stakes and securing them with twine or zip ties, your baby plants with thank you.

 Tomato plants secured by tomato cages
You can create your own box with wood and reinforced metal stakes and strings.

How does the Tomato cage work?

You are aware of the fact that, tomato cages work as a reliable support system for your plants. They help keep plant to keep growing up and not sprawl across the ground which in turn will make the yield root and unusable.  The cage should be set in the ground around the plant before it has time to create a root network and they aren’t too big. This ensures that the crop will grow the way you want it to.  The use of a cage can make it easier to harvest the final product, keep your fruit clean. Tomatoes like to hold on to something when they are growing, with the use of the cage, you can let the plant do as it pleases with the minimal interface and tieing. There is also less pruning and general maintenance when using a properly secured and sturdy cage so that you have more time to focus on other crops that may need a little extra love and care.

Field of tomato cages
It must be verified that the roots of the plant are not too large for the cage to be installed successfully.

 What does a Trellnet do For My Plants?

A Trelinet is a substantial net that is extremely popular in the horticulture scene. The trelinet is designed to support the most massive climbing crops that you may be growing in your garden. A simple to use design means that it is excellent for styles and sizes of gardens. It can be used horizontally or vertically depending on your needs. Just weave the stems of your crop through the netting to create a support system that will give you peace of mind throughout the growing process. Trelinet can be used instead of a cage or steaks, or it can be used with cages or stakes in an area that might not best be suited for such a structure. The netting must be kept tight at all times. Keeping the net tight prevents birds and other smaller animals from getting stuck and/or injured if they decide to investigate your crops. Advantages of using a trelinet include increased sunlight to all areas of your crop, better airflow and an all-around improved crop and yield. Trelinet is inexpensive.  It can be found in a variety of places and is almost always in stock.  Your local hardware store and a horticultural shop will be your best options for finding the netting. However, if online shopping is more of your thing, you will be shocked about how many shops have netting available to you

Tomato Cages
The cage prevents small animals and birds from getting hurt or getting stuck if adjusted correctly.

Tomato Cage or Trelinet

Cages are a great option for people who want a decent, easy to harvest yield with little to no work making sure their plants stay upright. If none of the stores bought options are what you are looking for, there is always a way to build a cage yourself with minimal effort and materials.  Keeping your plant upright in a tomato cage will make it easier to harvest when the time comes, allow you to notice if there is something wrong with your plant and it keeps your crop clean and off the ground.

Trellinet is another good support system for your climbing plants or plants that need to remain upright. It is sturdy and durable to be used to take care of variety of crops. You can reap the best results if used in accordance with the experts’ advice.

 Juicy red tomato
Trellinet is a good choice because it increases the flow of air and exposure to sunlight.

No matter the plant, trellinet can be used up into the air or hovering across the ground. You place your crop through the holes. Trellinet increases air flow increases light exposure which leads to an all-around happier plant and better yield come harvest time. Get ready to harvest better crops with the use of Trellinet and Tomato Cages for types of crops.